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Important Chapters of Arithmetic for Govt. Job Exams

govt jobs maths preparation

Here is a list of all chapters of Arithmetic to be prepared & the sequence you should follow for any competitive govt job exam.

  1. Percentage
  2. Profit & Loss
  3. Simple Interest
  4. Compound Interest
  5. Ratio & Proportion
  6. Mixture & Alligation
  7. Partnership Business
  8. H.C.F. & L.C.M.
  9. Average
  10. Time, Distance & Speed
  11. Train Problems
  12. Boat & Stream
  13. Race Problems
  14. Time & Work
  15. Pipes & Cistern

These are the most important chapters of Arithmetic and the sequence in which these chapter should be prepared for better understanding of Arithmetic. Now, you get the list of chapters and the sequence, what are you waiting for? Start your preparation now , learn one chapter and then practice a lot of questions from that chapter. Thank you, Always Keep Practicing.

#govtjobs #sscexams #railwaygroupd #arithmetic

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