Here is a list of all chapters of Advance Mathematics that to be prepared & the sequence you should follow for any competitive govt job exam.
Questions from Advance Maths comes in every govt job exam like SSC CGL, CHSL, Railway , Banking and other exams. If you are just starting preparations for govt job exams or have already started preparations for the same then you should prepare all this important chapters from Advance Mathematics section of Quantitative Aptitude. Important chapters from Advance Mathematics & the sequence in which you must prepare those are:
- Number System
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Mensuration
- Trigonometry
Some more important chapters you should prepare along with the above chapters are:
- Elementary Statistics
- Data Interprepation
- Probability
- Logarithm
- Data Sufficiency
These are the most important chapters of Advance Mathematics and the sequence in which these chapter should be prepared for better understanding of Advance Mathematics. Now, you get the list of chapters and the sequence, what are you waiting for? Start your preparation now , learn one chapter and then practice a lot of questions from that chapter. Thank you, Always Keep Practicing.
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